There is no Land like the Land of your Childhood Childhood is the best part of life where we don't know what are doing what's good fir us or not but we do what we like, and childhood memories are the best memories some of them we remember and some we listen from others.But, I always thought that: Childhood is like being Drunk . Everyone remembers what yoy did. Except You. Let Me share some of my childhood memories but I guess not only me almost everyone had the same things did in their childhood As a kid , I used to talk into the fan to hear my robotic voice 😅 Like if you ever did this ,as a child btw I still do it(>y<) Sitting on a stack of chairs and feeling like a king Admit it we all did it while submitting our copies😂 And another memory of every child ,arguing with other ,fighting and saying: I hate you! I won't play with you again. and then pl...